Wintour is the editor of the American edition of Vogue magazine and she has built a fearsome reputation. She is a celebrated name in the fashion world, known mainly for her great taste and sang froid. She was portrayed by Oscar nominated Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada film as the kind of boss who could kill you with one stare. So terrifying is Wintour that she has the nickname 'nuclear' Wintour.

Many of the haute couture houses of Milan are now rescheduling their shows to coincide with Anna Wintour's visit which will take place between February 26 to February 28.
Speaking to the Daily Telegraph Mario Boselli, the president of the Italian Fashion Chamber, said: "She wants designers to schedule their shows during these three days. It has bad consequences for many, many people involved in the shows, from stylists to models to hairdressers.

"It's absolutely crazy. She's welcome in Milan but if she only comes for a fleeting visit. Perhaps it would be better if she stayed at home."
All the top houses such as Armani, Dolce and Gabbana, Prada and Fendi are changing their shows to suit Anna Wintour. By contrast the French fashion week designers have resisted any changes to their schedule.
This year the fashion week will include exhibits from Ferragamo who is backing an exhibit on Greta Garbo at Milan's Palazzo dell'Arte. There is also a collection by Vivienne Westwood which has been dubbed 'homeless chic'. Her catwalk models have come armed with sleeping bags, tatty clothes and dishevelled hair.
The press release for Westwood’s menswear collection says: “Perhaps the oddest of heroes to emerge this season, Vivienne Westwood found inspiration in the roving vagrant whose daily get-up is a battle gear for the harsh weather conditions."
Westwood admitted she had never been homeless but got the idea for the collection from her husband Andreas Kronthaler. Oddly enough after all the catwalking Westwood was wheeled out onstage on a paramedics stretcher to get the acclaim for her show.
In Milan fashion week 2010 the big guns will have shows including Bottega Veneta and Versus by Christopher Kane. They will be followed by the stellar names in the Milan fashion media such as Anna dello Russo who lives in Milan and edits Vogue Nippon, and Michela Gattermayer who edits Velvet magazine for La Repubblica newspaper.
There should also be plenty of celebrity star power on hand to witness their offerings such as the likes of Beyonce and Gorge Clooney who usually attend. These film stars and many more will have to deal with an army of paparazzi. Some of the ritzy pre-show hang outs for Milan fashion week include the Nobu bar which is located under the Giorgio Armani shop. Alternatively you could just fill up on the delicious canapés which are handed around before the show starts.
Car Hire Milan sales are up for Milan fashion week as executives come from all over the world to attend the events. The fashion week will run from February 24 until March 2. Prebooking is a good way to get low prices. If you leave it too late many of the best vehicles will have been taken.